Sunday, March 27, 2011

Government Expenditure aka my money

Great article!!nuff said

link above..reproduced below to certain extent..

the government formula for privatisation is only this...higher tariffs,,subsidy...and compensation...the highway,IPP and water privatisation is examples of failed efforts which costs us...lets not repeat the same mistakes...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

what unites all

this picture says it white chinese, indian, malai, campur2..although it was very painful to play at the ripe age of 41++..we managed to finish a 90 min game(substitutes galore) and looking forward to another game in 2011..not so soon i hope..

Well ..since it was a school alumni this motley crew was already united since 25 years ago but i guess the point that i want to make here this game can really makes everyone from the most diverse backgrounds come together and play as a team..example below

this was a makeshift team we put up and respectably turned up a decent result. i was new at the Labuan base, knew only a few guys..but we still gelled together and had a good also helped me and some of the new staff to work together as a team...
It is always difficult to organise a footer game what with getting enough players, proper kit, pitch and money etc but i have been always been doing it and supporting such efforts where i can since the indirect rewards are plentiful...
Similar with organising company/family events ...the headache/heartche and arguments will tire you and definitely wont get you rich but everyone will definitely respect you for your positive efforts..

Sunday, January 2, 2011

why LiLLL?

What on earth is Lessons in Learning Lessons Learnt(LiLLL) you may ask?...well i have been thinking about writing down a book or memoirs for the past 10 years...and about for the past 5 years already trimmed down to several topics on either travel(domestic,international), work(mostly oil and gas) ,politics(local and globally) sports(.golf mostly..) and maybe marriage/relationships...then it struck me all this had a common theme..the experiences had enriched me n i wanted to share from my trials and tribulations...
Thats a photo of a class i attended some years back, well bore dynamics...very technical yet if you cannot visualise tubular(oilfield terminology for piping downhole)movement no matter how good you are at mathemathics you wont cut it in this least to get 94% (like me.. hehe)...

The point is..we go thru life and experience ups and downs and learn from this episodes from the perception we had at that time...what i want to do is record what happened and give my views on what i learned with a different perspective...

Anyway how i look at certain things might not go down well with most people but until you have taken the red pill(Matrix scene) its kind of hard to have my dark sense of humour...
My only wish is that anyone reading my blog with an open mind will develop a critical thinking state of mind, does not accept status quo and along the way gets entertatined with my wit..
I do dedicate this blog especially to young people in the technical field who are critical in this young nations growth..with critical thinking we will be able to learn properly (i believe the current education system is sick) and hopefuly will avoid another incident as below... 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

the greatest thing since internet? better yet google?...has to be google maps...with a clear mind and some visualisation you can never ever be lost driving on malaysian roads...we do have very misleading signs here..anyway had another road trip recent weekend looking for this village below

you guessed was not on google maps..but nearest google address was taman alam megah seksyen 24....shah alam....being a very confident egomaniac and pompous know it all KL driver i elected myself convoy leader and drove in front of all the seven cars....(i always claim to know every nook and cranny in my hometown and prepared to be a cab driver in my pensioner years)...but guess who took a wrong turn at the bloody confusing NKVE exit and led everyone to a wild goose chase....ooook i wont bore u to death... we found the destination eventually and was really lucky that i swallowed my ego and followed another driver..even if i found the google address the destination village was well hidden by tall warehouse and factories that it would have taken me ages to find it...anyway all went well...

Lesson learnt...during pre convoy an asshole and ask the difficult questions first repeatedly and get it right...dont be a smart ass and keeping quite and let everyone call u an ass hole later.....

 Another thing...try to avoid driving in convoys and set 3 or 4 rendezvous points...malaysian drivers are really dangerous so long convoys are hard to control...nuff said

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

adventure in Singapore

Wanna know why i took a photo of my car road tax? Because this person(me la...) did not know how to drive into sinagpore and get an autopass ..u know that card which replaced the one day permit to enter singapore if you drive a car....
You guessed has been a long time since i drove into singapore...a decade i think...
somehow the immigration fella(nice chap) did not tell me i couldnt drive out of the Woodlands CIQ complex without this autopass..
Maybe he was distracted by the 5 passports that i passed to him and the bad handwriting on the immigration formsi filled in.
so after i passed thru the whole complex and asked the border security guard for directions it all fell onto me that i screwed up!!!..Major!!!
How big a screw up u might ask?..the officer stopped all the incoming traffic to singapore...raised security barriers..and a guard escorted me all the the way to the transport ministry office to get the damn autopass..and since the officer was too pissed to go check on my car registration physically hence the photo can only imagine what all those motorists was thinking when they saw me being escorted??#$%^&*^%$..
anyway apologies to all of you who had 5-10 minutes of your precious life on hold because of that incident at woodlandss..ha ha..

There you are the autopass thingy..dont you leave anywhere without it..kinda handy since i can pay parking and hosts of other stuff with it..was a great visit to Singapore..more on that in another's one photo from that trip..boat ride at the singapore Zoo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finally ....after years and years of trying...i win!!!

It took a lot of heart ache, caused head aches and somewhere along the line got a stomach ache...but i finally won a round of golf against a legitimate field.... never mind that some of the field was dried out from too much golf,lack of sleep etc...but lo and behold..i played 93..par golf to my handicap of 21...(not to their agreement) but even if i played to 16 i still would have won ha haa...anyway enough of golff...
Whats important it drove me to put up a blog...(long procrastinated)..and VOILA!!!..more to come tomorrow